Filing a Budget Late and the Potential Consequences

August 7, 2017

In a recent case, Mr Daniel Alexander QC (sitting as a deputy judge of the High Court) upheld the decision of HHJ Lochrane in Central London County Court not to grant relief from sanctions for filing a costs budget a day late. Mr Daniel Alexander QC concluded that the decision of HHJ Lochrane was within the “reasonable exercise of his discretion”. To read more, please Click Here.

LJ Jackson Concludes that Costs Management has Improved

August 7, 2017

It has been 18 months since Lord Justice Jackson delivered his “Fixed Costs-The Time Has Come” lecture and he now reaches his conclusions in the “Review of Civil Litigation Costs-Supplemental Report Fixed Recoverable Costs”. To read more, please Click Here.

Re-Opening of Approved Budgets at detailed assessment

July 2, 2017

In a recent case before the Court of Appeal, the Court unanimously backed the reasoning of Carr J in the Merrix case regarding whether an approved budget can be re-opened by a costs judge at detailed assessment. The Court of Appeal stated that the “good reason” provision was a “valuable safeguard”. To read more, please Click Here.

Set Off and Costs

July 2, 2017

In a recent case, His Honour Judge Dight considered an important issue in relation to set off and costs and gave a detailed review of the rules, legislation and case law in his Judgment. To read more, please Click Here.

Delays to compulsory Electronic Bill

July 2, 2017

“To ensure that all Courts are ready to accept electronic bills of costs”, the original deadline of 1st October 2017 has now been deferred due to practical risks of implementing the bill across the country. The new bill can however be used on a voluntary basis in the meantime. To read more, please Click Here.

TRS Legal Costs Ltd